As an owner-managed family business, we pursue a corporate policy that is characterized by sustainability, continuity and flexibility in pursuit of high customer satisfaction.
Our long-term interest is directed to preservation and sustainable expansion of company value whereby we safeguard our independence and the future of our enterprise. We are committed to continuous further development of our management system’s effectiveness.
It is our customers and how we meet their requirements that secures our future. It is our aim to cultivate lasting business relationships with our customers in a spirit of partnership and to supply our products to a consistent high quality standard within the contracted and confirmed scope. We draw up our proposals promptly, in sufficient detail and transparently so that, at an early stage, we define the performance expectations beyond any doubt to meet our customer’s requirements. We strive to continuously develop our capabilities. The further evolution of our customer’s requirements is a key jumping off point for us to improve our processes and products.
We put into practice with full conviction our service philosophy while conducting open and honest communications with our customers and assigning to them contact persons with high technical competence and social skills. We perceive customer complaints as an opportunity to improve our work performance. When dealing with our customers’ issues, we strive to make our mark and positively differentiate ourselves from our competitors.
Well trained and highly motivated employees are our primary competitive advantage.
We offer our staff long-term, secure employment under favorable and fair conditions, while making every effort to ensure they identify with the company. We promote this by offering further training and top-up instruction courses, providing state-of-the-art high-quality tools and materials, and transferring the greatest possible degree of individual responsibility to each staff member.
We assign leadership functions only to persons who have been carefully trained and who possess a full range of technical expertise combined with proven management qualifications. The basis for our employees’ teamwork is mutual trust, recognition of good performance and the high value placed on the individual. Communication is open, honest and fair.
To ensure the highest degree of working efficiency, the staff of all company departments provide mutual support as they go about their tasks.
We promote our employees’ personal development and mobilization of their inner resources.
The core values of our company culture are:
- openness and honesty,
- reliability and consistency,
- commitment to success and sustainability.
Every one of our actions must meet and be guided by these criteria.
We discharge our specific social obligations through the creation and preservation of jobs and traineeships. In our company, we take due account of the maintenance of social order and justice as well as the need to protect the human dignity of each member of our staff. We fulfill our social responsibility vis-à-vis our staff and their families to the utmost. When procuring and dealing with the means of production, materials, services and energy, we are under an obligation to be mindful of environmental compatibility, operating economy and energy efficiency while taking measures to continually improve our performance regarding these and preclude environmental damage. In addition, we endeavor to source efficient products and deliverables and in this way upgrade our energy-related goods and services. Operational environmental protection is continuously improved under the aspects of organizational, technical and economic feasibility. We comply with statutory requirements and costing targets and, wherever possible and where this serves the purpose, we aim to produce results that exceed legal stipulations and economic expectations. We ensure that the required means, information and counseling is provided at all times to the extent necessary for compliance with all legal obligations and for meeting our objectives.
We accept the challenges of competition with other providers because this spurs us in our endeavors to optimize quality and costs while serving as a yardstick for what is technically and economically achievable. We aim to be leaders in meeting our customers’ needs as well as in technical innovation and implementation.
We see our suppliers primarily as business partners and we repay their dependability, quality and loyalty with an equitable alignment of interests coupled with fair market conditions. We require of our suppliers only what is practicable, over the long haul and reliably.